About Us
The Early Enrichment Center was established in the spring of 1996 as a privately owned childcare center. We are licensed by this state's Department of Public Health, and the State of New Hampshire Child Care Licensing Bureau and we comply with all of the standards put forth by the department. At least one certified early childhood teacher is assigned to each class. The overall care of each child is supervised and governed by the director.

Philosophy Statement
As childcare professionals, we are committed to maintaining a safe, healthy, and enriching environment in which to meet the individual needs of children.  We strive to offer care with dignity, respect, and concern for individual physical and emotional well being.  Through predictability the child finds trust and security, through individualized care giving, the child finds consistency and relationships, and through freedom of exploration, the child finds independence and the development of a positive self-image.  Each child is viewed not only as an individual but also as a member of a family.  Thought and effort is put into making a positive connection between home and childcare, making childcare a nurturing home-like environment.  We recognize the importance of encouraging independence and self-respect, as well as providing an atmosphere that promotes sensitivity to and awareness of others.